The progress of vaccination against Covid-19 in India has been uneven both at the district and state levels. We provide you with a tool for visualised tracking of the headway being made in vaccination-coverage in all the districts of India.
India’s first phase of Covid-19 vaccination began on January 16, 2021. It was for frontline workers. The second phase followed on March 1, and covered people over 60 years of age, plus those between 45 and 59 with co-morbidities. People over ages 45 and 18 started being administered their first dose from April 1 and May 1 respectively.
A unique feature of India’s vaccination drive has been that it started simultaneously across the country. Its progress over time, however, has shown it to be uneven, with vaccination coverage at a rise in some areas, and slow and stunted in others.
At IDF we have been monitoring the progress of the country’s vaccination drive. We are tracking Covid-19 vaccination in all India’s 741 districts. We are scraping data from the CoWIN website. And studying it against the demographic details sourced from Census 2011. Since the census data is from 2011, we are conducting an estimation to give it currency using on the projected population formula provided by the Government of India’s Ministry of Health and Family Welfare.
In this article, we use the above-mentioned datasets to predict the vaccination coverage rate of each district in the future. With the herd immunity criteria in mind, the vaccination rate predicted here is with respect to 70% of the population. The rate of vaccination is calculated based on the number of people vaccinated in each district in the last 15 days.
In the map below, darker districts are close to achieving herd immunity through vaccination and lighter districts indicate otherwise. The map shows state-level vaccination rate, averaged from districts, for future dates. To know when the district of your choice will get vaccinated, activate the drill down icon by clicking on it . Then, select the state that houses that district and hover over the selected district to view the result. Return to the state-level map by clicking on drill up
icon . To view the progress in vaccination in the future, select a date from the list mentioned below.
Arijit Das ( is Fellow and Tanya Bansal is Research Assistant at the India Development Foundation.
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